
IAES Nawala: Deepfakes

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Ini adalah IAES Nawala dari Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. Hari ini kami akan berbagi kabar tentang deepfakes. Deepfakes adalah sebuah media, berupa gambar maupun video, yang dibuat dengan menggunakan machine learning. Media tersebut terlihat real dengan melatihnya dengan data gambar dan video. Deepfakes dapat memanipulasi wajah dalam video sehingga outputnya dapat disalahgunakan. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mengkritisi keaslian konten dari media digital. Sohan dkk. (2023) melakukan survei mengenai pendeteksian deepfakes pada sebuah video. Survei yang dilakukan membahas dataset video deepfake yang sulit dideteksi oleh AI, sekaligus memperkenalkan semua dataset yang tersedia untuk umum. Tujuan dari penelitian mereka adalah mempercepat pendeteksian video deepfake dengan dataset yang lebih besar dan menantang.

Deepfake video has usefulness in entertainment and multimedia technology, however, the danger of deepfake is significant to the social, economical, and political sectors so far. Specifically, to diverge any public opinion by generating fake news and spreading misleading information, national security may be under risk due to misrepresenting statements given by political leaders. The creation of such manipulated videos are getting easier day by day and at the same time it is necessary to detect and prevent them. In order to do that, researchers are creating challenging fake video databases for artificial intelligence (AI) based detection models to contribute to the research. This paper reviewed the existing deepfake video detection datasets available online and used in the previous research articles. We analyzed the literature from two different perspectives, datasets and detection models. The goal of this study is to introduce all publicly available datasets in this field including the discussion of techniques used to generate the data. In addition to our contribution, we showed a result comparison among different deepfake datasets and discussed the findings.

A survey on deepfake video detection datasets
Md Fahimuzzman Sohan, Md Solaiman, Md Aumit Hasan

Teknik deepfake adalah bidang yang sedang berkembang pesat. Algoritma deepfake menggunakan deep learning untuk memanipulasi gambar dan video yang sulit dibedakan dari aslinya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pengembangan alat untuk mendeteksi keaslian media digital secara otomatis. Abu-Ein dkk. (2022) menganalisis algoritma dan data yang digunakan untuk membuat deepfake, serta beberapa pendekatan lain untuk mendeteksinya. Tujuan dari penelitian mereka adalah untuk mengembangkan strategi baru yang lebih kuat dalam menghadapi deepfake yang semakin kompleks. Penggunaan deep learning dalam menciptakan deepfakes menimbulkan tantangan yang membutuhkan inovasi dalam mendeteksi untuk melindungi privasi, demokrasi, dan keamanan nasional.

Deep learning has effectively solved complicated challenges ranging from large data analytics to human level control and computer vision. However, deep learning has been used to produce software that threatens privacy, democracy, and national security. Deepfake is one of these new applications backed by deep learning. Fake images and movies created by Deepfake algorithms might be difficult for people to tell apart from real ones. This necessitates the development of tools that can automatically detect and evaluate the quality of digital visual media. This paper provides an overview of the algorithms and datasets used to build deepfakes, as well as the approaches presented to detect deepfakes to date. By reviewing the background of deepfakes methods, this paper provides a complete overview of deepfake approaches and promotes the creation of new and more robust strategies to deal with the increasingly complex deepfakes.

Analysis of the current state of deepfake techniques-creation and detection methods
Ashraf A. Abu-Ein, Obaida M. Al-Hazaimeh, Alaa M. Dawood, Andraws I. Swidan

Hadi dkk. (2022) melakukan survei tentang deepfake dalam hal deep learning dan forensik multimedia. Survei ini mencakup berbagai model dan algoritma deep learning yang digunakan dalam menghasilkan media buatan, serta metode mutakhir yang digunakan dalam forensik multimedia untuk mengidentifikasi konten digital. Survei ini juga membahas tantangan dan arah masa depan dalam bidang yang berkembang pesat ini, dengan menekankan perlunya mekanisme deteksi yang kuat dan andal untuk memerangi proliferasi deepfakes. Survei ini bertujuan untuk berkontribusi pada kemajuan forensik multimedia dan pengembangan penanggulangan yang efektif terhadap potensi penyalahgunaan teknologi deepfake.

Artificial intelligence techniques are reaching us in several forms, some of which are useful but can be exploited in a way that harms us. One of these forms is called deepfakes. Deepfakes is used to completely modify video (or image) content to display something that was not in it originally. The danger of deepfake technology impact on society through the loss of confidence in everything is published. Therefore, in this paper, we focus on deepfakedetection technology from the view of two concepts which are deep learning and forensic tools. The purpose of this survey is to give the reader a deeper overview of i) the environment of deepfake creation and detection, ii) how deep learning and forensic tools contributed to the detection of deepfakes, and iii) finally how in the future incorporating both deep learning technology and tools for forensics can increase the efficiency of deepfakes detection.

A survey of deepfakes in terms of deep learning and multimedia forensics
Wildan Jameel Hadi, Suhad Malallah Kadhem, Ayad Rodhan Abbas

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Redaksi: I. Busthomi