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IAES Nawala: Energi terbarukan

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Ini adalah IAES Nawala dari Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. Hari ini kami ingin membagikan isu terkini terkait energi terbarukan atau renewable energy. Rathod dkk mengungkapkan bahwa perkembangan pembangkit energi terbarukan telah digunakan di seluruh dunia untuk memenuhi permintaan beban yang meningkat. Meningkatnya permintaan energi terbarukan dikarenakan bebas polusi dan mudah diakses. Menurut Rathod dkk energi terbarukan saat ini masih terfokus pada pengembangan pembangkit listrik tenaga air, angin, photovoltaic (PV), dll. Selengkapnya dapat dibaca pada artikel berikut:

Renewable energy generation system connected to micro grid and analysis of energy management: a critical review (Pranita Rathod, Sanjoy Kumar Mishra, Sujit Kumar Bhuyan)

Renewable energy generations have been employed throughout the world in order to meet the increasing load demand. It is a pollution free and abundantly accessible. The generation cost has been reduced because of more research advancement. Photovoltaic (PV) can’t generate throughout the day due to weather condition. In order to maintain the continuity of power generation a hybrid renewable generation system (HRGS) concept has been considered in this research work. HRGS is an integration of more than one renewable energy which consists of PV, wind, solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), an auxiliary unit (AU). AU is used as a backup generation which can generate power when all the renewable energy fails to generate. AU may be of diesel generator (DG) or super capacitor. This paper discusses the various parts of HRGS and its comparison. Furthermore, its impact of energy management so as to deliver the energy to the grid in a continuous and reliable manner. Therefore, a detail study of different component of HRGS & renewable energy has been highlighted which will be helpful for the new researchers for advancement of power generation and its control strategy of energy management connected to the grid.

Pembangkit listrik tenaga air atau hydropower plant berfokus mengenai pemanfaatan aliran air diubah menjadi energi. Yunardi dan Sudiarto melakukan penelitian mengenai pemanfaatan aliran sungai Batang Merangin. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar potensi daya listrik optimum yang terdapat pada pemanfaatan aliran sungai Batang Merangin sebagai pembangkit listrik tenaga air. Penjelasan lengkap terdapat pada artikel berikut:

Feasibility study of the Kerinci 350 MW hydro power plant (M. Muaz Afra Yunardi, Budi Sudiarto)

The demand for electricity is currently growing rapidly. In accordance with the government’s policy to optimize the use of renewable energy sources, including water, by constructing a hydroelectric power plant. The study of the potential utilization of the Batang river flow is aimed at how much of the optimum electric power potential there is in the utilization of the Batang Merangin river flow as a hydropower plant. The results of the calculation of the potential for electric power at the Kerinci PLTA show that the optimum electrical power that can be generated is 366.27 MW and the energy produced annually is 1,443.86 GWh. The cash flow of the Kerinci hydropower project consists of technical estimates, revenues, operating and maintenance costs, inflation, taxes, and depreciation. Benefit-cost ratio analysis is calculated according to probable economic conditions during construction and lifetime. The initial investment cost for the Kerinci hydropower plant is around 12,922,000,000,000. The net present value obtained is 423,372,934,373, the internal rate of return is 10.7%, the return on equity is 16.2 years and the benefit-cost ratio is 1.2. The results show that the Kerinci hydropower plant can be built in terms of both technology and money.
Desain bendungan yang akan dipasang di Danau Kerinci (Yunardi dan Sudiarto, 2022)

Mahroug dkk melakukan penelitian mengenai pengembangan kincir angin untuk menghasilkan energi. Pengembangan yang dilakukan adalah mengenai dual doubly-fed induction generators (DFIG). Metode tersebut dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan jumlah energi yang dihasilkan. Penjelasan mendetail tentang metode ini dapat dibaca pada halaman berikut:

Modeling of wind turbine based on dual DFIG generators (Rabiaa Mahroug, Mohamed Matallah, Salam Abudura)

In order to investigate a viable approach to fully exploit the wind speed, the present work investigates the application of a novel wind turbine consisting of dual doubly-fed induction generators (DFIG). The model can be further used to apply in areas where the winds are high to achieve high conversion efficiency in order to produce large electric power and increase the wind turbine capacity with an economy of hardware on the one hand, and to reduce the installation cost on the other. Furthermore, this model is always guarantees the continuity of power production because if one generator fails, the second generator will keep working until the broken one is repaired. The proposed model of the wind turbine based on dual doubly-fed induction generators (WT-dual-DFIG) were using the indirect field-oriented control (IFOC) was validated by wind turbine based on single doubly-fed induction generator (WT-single-DFIG) in MATLAB/Simulink. The results of simulation show that the simulated responses of the WT-dual-DFIG increased the power by a factor of about 14.3% compared to a WT-single-DFIG due to the use of a variable speed dual-DFIG. Finally, we can say that the WT-dual-DFIG model is strongly developed and could be applied in the coming years.

Selain menggunakan tenaga air dan kincir angin, energi terbarukan sangat familiar dengan photovoltaic (PV). Hassan dkk pada tahun 2022 melakukan penelitian terkait pemanfaatan PV supply untuk menjadi sumber energi alat smart irrigation. Artikel lengkap mengenai penelitian tersebut dapat dilihat pada:

Smart irrigation system with photovoltaic supply (Elia Erwani Hassan, Leong Lek Chung, Mohamad Fani Sulaima, Nazrulazhar Bahaman, Aida Fazliana Abdul Kadir)

Maximizing crop yielding is an extensive problem faced by the population in a country. The main issue comes from the farmer who still implemented the conventional method of irrigation that required human actions, especially for water pump operation. As an alternative, the automatic solution becomes a demand with the internet of things (IoT) support system to overcome the agriculture scenario. Meanwhile, multiple sensors controlled by the ESP32 microcontroller are also used to measure the crucial parameters that influenced the living conditions of crops and are called input parameters. Meanwhile, the implementation of a fuzzy logic controller is to control the timing of water volume based on the inputs data obtained through the sensors’ responses. Solar energy is the main supply because of the zero-cost expense and environmentally friendly energy generation. In large, this research developed the smart irrigation system (SIS) with photovoltaic (PV) panels as a supply to sustain the energy required for empowering the entire process. As a result, the SIS is found as a successful system in controlling the best suitable time of water irrigation. The soil evaporation contents obtained from the experiment were also close to actual accurate data reference for Melaka state to verify the solution.

Penerapan energi terbarukan pada kehidupan tentu akan memberikan dampak pada aktifitas sehari-hari. Saravanan dkk dalam penelitiannya melakukan analisis dampak dari penerapan energi terbarukan di India. Selengkapnya artikel tersebut dapat dibaca dihalaman berikut:

Impact of renewable energy in Indian electric power system (V. Saravanan, K. M. Venkatachalam, M. Arumugam, M. A. K. Borelessa, K. T. M. U. Hemapala)

This paper addresses the impact of renewable power generation such as photovoltaic and wind energy in the existing power system operations. Various modeling approaches and power quality/reliability analysis of these renewable energy sources in the electric power system by researchers and research organisations and utilities are outlined and their impacts are assessed. Challenges and protection schemes of renewable power integration into the existing grid are discussed through a detailed literature review and study of renewable integration into the Indian power system are outlined including potential planning and policy actions to support renewable energy integration in India.

Beberapa artikel diatas merupakan sedikit dari banyaknya penerapan energi terbarukan di kehidupan sehari-hari. Untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih banyak kalian dapat mengakses secara GRATIS di:,,, dan

Redaksi: Busthomi