Salam, rekan Nawala! Semoga kalian selalu dalam keadaan sehat.
Ini adalah Nawala IAES dari Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. Hari ini kami akan berbagi kabar tentang perkembangan kriptografi. Kriptografi adalah ilmu tentang teknik komunikasi yang aman yang melindungi informasi dari akses atau modifikasi yang tidak sah selama transmisi atau penyimpanan. Hal ini melibatkan penggunaan algoritma matematika untuk mengubah plaintext (data asli) menjadi ciphertext (data yang dienkripsi) dan sebaliknya. Tujuan utama dari kriptografi adalah untuk memastikan kerahasiaan, integritas, dan keaslian data. Oladipupo dan Abikoye (2022) mengembangkan Modified Playfair (MPF), dimana Playfair merupakan model enkripsi yang sudah lama kemudian dikembangkan Kembali dan diperbaharui untuk meningkatkan keandalannya. Lebih detail terkait MPF dapat dilihat pada artikel berikut:
Playfair is the earliest known classical block cipher which is capable of taking two characters as a unit in the process of encryption and decryption. However, the cipher is suffering from vulnerability to many cryptanalysis attacks due to a lack of confusion and diffusion properties, an inability to handle numbers and special characters in the process of encryption and decryption, and a host of other deficiencies. Although several modifications and improvements had been done by different researchers, the emphasis has been on the modification of the key matrix to accommodate more characters to increase the keyspace. No attention has been given to increment in the size of the block that the Playfair cipher can handle at a time. In this paper, a modified Playfair (MPF) cryptosystem that is capable of handling different block sizes with high diffusion and confusion properties is developed. cryptanalysis of the developed cryptosystem was carried out and the results show that the MPF cryptosystem is resistant to Known plaintext attack, chosen-plaintext attack, chosen ciphertext attack, frequency analysis attack, autocorrelation attack, differential cryptanalysis attacks, entropy attacks, brute force attack, and can handle variable block sizes.
Modified Playfair cryptosystem for improved data security
Esau Taiwo Oladipupo, Oluwakemi Christiana Abikoye
Berbicara mengenai kriptografi, tidak jauh juga akan membahas mengenai steganografi. Mohammed (2022) membuat penelitian terkait kombinasi antara kriptografi dan steganografi. Dalam penelitiannya, langkah-langkah kriptografi membantu menyediakan teks yang aman dengan membalikkan dan mengubah teks menjadi struktur yang lebih aman yang tidak dapat dibaca dan tidak terdeteksi oleh pengguna normal. Di sisi lain, proses steganografi yang dikembangkan dibagi menjadi dua tingkat: mulanya menyembunyikan teks di dalam gambar, kemudian menyembunyikan gambar dengan teks di dalam file audio. Adapun penjelasan lebih lengkap dapat dilihat pada artikel berikut:
These days there are many security issues facing users while they are using the internet for exchanging information among them. And, users use technology devices, such as mobiles and computers, and they connect them to the network and internet. Therefore, users always looking for a safe way to exchange information locally and globally, when they are connecting to a network. Also, these problems lead them to many further issues such as losing privacy, hacking, and detecting personal information. Although, many security techniques have been used to solve these issues by creating many different software utilities; some of them worked perfectly to some extent, while some others still did not comply with the security environment. This research paper finds a new methodology to secure text information while exchanging among permitted users over the internet. This method is a combination of cryptography and steganography with audio and imaging multimedia, which works on hiding and encrypting information before sending it over a network. As result, this technique will add additional security processes to the data exchange, and it will provide a more reliable environment for the user to connect to the network. In addition, the quality of the data will not be altered or noticed during the encryption and decryption process.
A new approach to hide texts into images and audio files using steganography and cryptography techniques
Miran Hikmat Mohammed
Transmisi data yang aman adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting, namun sulit untuk diimplementasikan. Data-data medis yang bersifat sangat rahasia memerlukan peran dari kriptografi dan steganografi untuk menjamin keamanannya. Jabbar dan Issa (2023) melakukan penelitian terkait pengimplementasian crypto-steganography untuk mentransmisikan data medis secara aman. Penjelasan lebih lengkap terkait bagaimana cara mereka mengimplementasikan dapat dilihat pada artikel berikut:
Nowadays, secure transmission massive volumes of medical data (such as COVID-19 data) are crucial but yet difficult in communication between hospitals. The confidentiality and integrity are two concerning challenges must be addressing to healthcare data. Also, the data availability challenge that related to network fail which may reason concerns to the arrival the COVID-19 data. The second challenge solved with the different tools such as virtual privet network (VPN) or blockchain technology. Towards overcoming the aforementioned for first challenges, a new scheme based on crypto steganography is proposed to secure updating (COVID-19) data. Three main contributions have been consisted within this study. The first contribution is responsible to encrypt the COVID-19 data prior to the embedding process, called hybrid cryptography (HC). The second contribution is related with the security in random blocks and pixels selection in hosting image. Three iterations of the Hénon Map function used with this contribution. The last contribution called inversing method which used with embedding process. Three important measurements were used the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), the Histogram analysis and structural similarity index measure (SSIM). Based on the findings, the present scheme gives evidence to increase capacity, imperceptibility, and security to ovoid the existing methods problem.
A crypto-steganography healthcare management: towards a secure communication channel for data COVID-19 updating
Mohanad Sameer Jabbar, Samer Saeed Issa
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Redaksi: I. Busthomi