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IAES Nawala: Smart aquaculture

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Ini adalah IAES Nawala dari Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. Hari ini kami akan berbagi kabar tentang smart aquaculture. Pembahasan terkait smart aquaculture sempat sedikit dijelaskan pada pembahasan sebelulmnya mengenai smart farming. Smart aquaculture mengacu pada penerapan teknologi canggih dengan pendekatan berbasis data untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, keberlanjutan, dan produktivitas operasi akuakultur. Hal ini mencakup budidaya organisme air seperti ikan, kerang, dan tanaman air dalam lingkungan yang terkendali, seperti kolam, tangki, atau kandang. Kualitas air dalam tangki ikan sangat penting untuk mengurangi kematian ikan. Banyak faktor mempengaruhi kualitas air, seperti pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), dan suhu dalam tangki ikan. Wei dkk. (2023) membuat alat untuk memonitor kualitas air pada tangki ikan secara otomatis. Hasil yang ditemukan menunjukkan bahwa metode yang diusulkan memberikan pengelolaan kualitas air yang lebih baik untuk peternakan ikan.

Water quality in fish tanks is essential to reduce fish mortality. Many factors affect the water quality, such as pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature in fish tanks. Existing work has presented water quality monitoring systems for aquaculture, which are useful for automatic monitoring and notify any incidence of decline in water quality. It enables the fish farms to make interventions to reduce fish mortality. However, advanced monitoring through forecasting is necessary to ensure consistent optimum water quality. This paper presents a web-based water quality monitoring and forecasting system for aquaculture. First, a water quality forecasting model based on the long short-term memory is designed and developed. The model is evaluated and fine-tuned using the existing public dataset. Second, the prototype of the water quality monitoring and forecasting system is developed. An Arduino and Raspberry Pi based water quality data acquisition tool is built. A web-based application is then developed to present the monitoring data and forecasting. A notification module is included to send an alert message to the fish farmers when necessary. The system is tested and evaluated at the fish hatchery in Universiti Malaysia Sabah. The findings show that the proposed system provides better water quality management for fish farms.

Automated water quality monitoring and regression-based forecasting system for aquaculture
Toh Yin Wei, Emmanuel Steward Tindik, Ching Fui Fui, Haviluddin Haviluddin, Mohd Hanafi Ahmad Hijazi

Framework IoT menggukan sensor-sensor untuk mendukung alat controlling dan monitoring tangki ikan. Islam dkk. (2022) menjelaskan komponen-komponen yang mendukung pembuatan alat tersebut. Di akhir artikel yang mereka buat, pengimplementasian perangkat keras lengkap dari kerangka kerja IoT dapat menjadi alternatif untuk sistem pemantauan lingkungan akuatik secara real-time telah dibahas.

Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms in natural, controlled marine and freshwater environments. The real-time monitoring of aquatic environmental parameters is very important in fish farming. Internet of things (IoT) can play a vital role in the real-time monitoring. This paper presents an IoT framework for the efficient monitoring and effective control of different aquatic environmental parameters related to the water. The proposed system is implemented as an embedded system using sensors and an Arduino. Different sensors including pH, temperature, and turbidity, ultrasonic are placed in cultivating pond water and each of them is connected to a common microcontroller board built on an Arduino Uno. The sensors read the data from the water and store it as a comma-separated values (CSV) file in an IoT cloud named ThingSpeak through the Arduino microcontroller. To validate the experiment, we collected data from 5 ponds of various sizes and environments. After experimental evaluation, it was observed among 5 ponds, only three ponds were perfect for fish farming, where these 3 ponds only satisfied the standard reference values of pH (6.5-8.5), temperature (16-24 °C), turbidity (below 10 ntu), conductivity (970-1825 μS/cm), and depth (1-4) meter. At the end of this paper, a complete hardware implementation of this proposed IoT framework for a real-time aquatic environment monitoring system is presented.

An internet of things framework for real-time aquatic environment monitoring using an Arduino and sensors
Md. Monirul Islam, Mohammad Abul Kashem, Jia Uddin

Dalam skala yang lebih besar, Chuyen dkk. (2023) membuat desain dan manufaktur pengontrol kualitas air pada sebuah tambak udang. Alat tersebut dapat berfungsi untuk memonitor suhu, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), hingga salinitas dan indeks redoks di titik terendah oxygen reduction potential (ORP). Hasil penelitian dalam makalah ini telah memberikan manfaat ekonomi yang tinggi dengan meningkatkan produktivitas dan kualitas budidaya udang.

In this paper, presents solutions to apply internet of things (IoT) technology in the field of high-tech agriculture and aquaculture in coastal areas of Vietnam, which is currently a new problem. The system includes an application on a smartphone; access parameters via the web, a computer and an IoT control circuit capable of automatically drawing electricity from the solar panel to the energy storage to serve as a source of power for devices (monitoring cabinets). The product has the function of monitoring: water environmental indicators in shrimp ponds (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), salinity, redox index at the bottom of oxygen reduction potential (ORP)), on the website 24/24h, and controllable. Automatic control of pump system and DO generator with Inverter technology. The research results in this paper have brought high economic benefits with an automatic water quality control system to improve the productivity and quality of shrimp farming in practice for people in the aquaculture area in Bach Long commune, Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province, Vietnam.

Design and manufacture control system for water quality based on IoT technology for aquaculture in the Vietnam
Tran Duc Chuyen, Dien Duc Nguyen, Nguyen Cao Cuong, Vu Viet Thong

Selain sebagai peternakan ikan, aquaculture juga mencakup pengembangan tanaman air atau aquascape. Kebutuhan aquascape selain suhu dan oksigen, adalah kebutuhan pencahayaan. Hutabarat dkk. (2022) dalam penelitiannya menambahkan sensor cahaya pada lingkungan aquascape. Sistem yang dikembangkan dapat menghasilkan intensitas cahaya dengan tingkat akurasi tinggi sesuai dengan kebutuhan tanaman tersebut dan berhasil menjaga suhu dalam kisaran yang telah ditentukan.

The purpose of this research is to create a smart system based on internet of things (IoT) application for a plant aquarium. This smart system helps users to maintain the environment’s parameters of the plant aquarium. In this study, the parameters to be controlled by the system are light intensity and temperature. The hardware used to develop this system is the ESP32 as the microcontroller, BH1750FVI as the light sensor, high power led (HPL) light-emitting diodes (LED) lamp as the light source, DS18B20 as temperature sensor, the heater, and the 220 VAC fan that is used to raise and lower the temperature. In this study also developed an application that is used by the user to provide input to the system. The developed application is then installed on the user’s smartphone and used to connect the user to the system via the internet. The ease of adding and removing devices used on the system is a capability that is also being developed in this smart system. The developed system can produce light intensity with accuracy rate of 96% and always manage to keep the temperature within the predetermined range.

Smart system for maintaining aquascape environment using internet of things based light and temperature controller
Daniel Patricko Hutabarat, Rudy Susanto, Bryan Prasetya, Barry Linando, Senanayake Mudiyanselage Namal Senanayake

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Redaksi: I. Busthomi