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Ini adalah IAES Nawala dari Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. Hari ini kami akan berbagi kabar tentang wind farming. Pembangkit listrik tenaga angin menggunakan energi angin untuk menghasilkan listrik melalui turbin angin. Lokasi, sumber daya angin, dan dampak lingkungan harus dipertimbangkan dalam membangun wind farm. Integrasi tenaga angin ke dalam jaringan listrik dapat menimbulkan tantangan dari variabilitasnya, sifatnya yang tidak menentu, dan perlunya sinkronisasi antara jaringan listrik dan pembangkit konvensional. Tarik dan Adil (2022) mengusulkan penggunaan fuzzy logic controller (FLC) berbasis UPFC untuk mengatasi gangguan yang disebabkan oleh integrasi pembangkit listrik tenaga angin ke jaringan listrik. Pengendali ini dapat meningkatkan stabilitas jaringan dan mengontrol aliran daya secara efektif.
The doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind farm is widely used for extracting energy from the wind. When the wind farm is connected to the grid, generally it causes some perturbations. It can disturb the function of the grid and the installations connected to the grid. This impact concerns the load flow, voltage drops, and frequency fluctuations. To overcome those issues, the unified power flow controller (UPFC) is recommended. In this paper, we propose to study the impact of the integration of a wind farm on the power system. Presently, we propose an original contribution by using UPFC based on fuzzy logic controllers (FLC). Finally, simulation and experimental results using MATLAB/Simulink are proposed to show the effectiveness of this solution.
Wind farm connected to a grid using fuzzy logic controller based the unified power flow controller
Rabyi Tarik, Brouri Adil
Penggabungan wind farming ke dalam jaringan listrik dapat memiliki dampak positif seperti dukungan tegangan dan peningkatan ketahanan jaringan, namun juga dapat menyebabkan fluktuasi tegangan dan masalah fluktuasi tegangan. Selain itu, integrasi pembangkit listrik tenaga angin dapat mempengaruhi voltage stability margin (VSM). Attar dkk. (2022) mengusulkan metode baru untuk menentukan ukuran maksimum ladang angin dengan mempertimbangkan VSM dan pola angin di lokasi ladang angin.
The current methods use conservative voltage based on the maximum wind speed with simultaneous occurrence in peak loading conditions to determine the maximum size of the wind farm. Wind patterns never let the wind farm on the wind farm site produce its maximum capacity during hours of heavy loading conditions. A new method is presented in this research to determine the maximum size of wind farms including voltage stability margin (VSM) and wind patterns at the wind farm site in the size of a wind farm. This plan is a method to increase the maximum size of a wind farm with a limited wind generation option under certain conditions based on VSM. The proposed method is applied to the wind farm in the IEEE 14-bus network power system. The results of the new method show that the maximum size of wind farms increases when the system operates with intermittent wind control to maintain the voltage stability.
Impacts of integration of wind farms on voltage stability margin
Hani Attar, Mehrdad Ahmadi Kamarposhti, Ahmed Amin Ahmed Solyman
Menemukan sebuah metode yang optimal untuk interkoneksi jaringan listrik dan ukuran kabel di ladang angin sangatlah penting. Al-Khafaji dkk. (2023) membahas penggunaan algoritma pencarian dan metode penggalian tanah untuk mencapai optimasi interkoneksi jaringan listrik dan ukuran kabel yang paling optimal untuk wind farming. Selain itu, pada penelitiannya mereka juga mempertimbangkan biaya yang dikeluarkan ditekan seminimal mungkin sehingga menjadi lebih efisien.
Modern wind farms are considered one of the most important sources of energy today. The biggest cost of the farm is the cost of electrical connection to the farmers (constituting the largest part of the aesthetic cost of the farm) and finding the best method for electrical connection (the optimal method) for wind turbines (WTS), as well as the optimal size and measurement of electrical cables. Here, the (harmonious) search algorithm solves the optimization problem and the method of digging the soil in order to lay the cables in it. Two cases will be discussed in order to calculate the optimal size of the cables, namely partial calculation and optimal calculation for connection schemes in the best method for wind farms (OWFS). Also, the total cost, shipping methods, methods of digging extensions into the soil and the different classifications for turbines (wind turbines) will be addressed in order to obtain the best investment for them, so that we reach the optimal delivery and the lowest possible cost in a coordinated and thoughtful manner.
A special method for simultaneous optimization of electrical grid interconnections and cable size in wind farms
Fareed Kadhim Hussein Al-Khafaji, Ali Abdul Hussein Kareem Al Humaidani, Adiy Aljaberi, Iman Mohammed Abd Zaid
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Redaksi: I. Busthomi