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Nawala IAES: bagaimana sekolah menangani pembelajaran online

Salam, rekan Nawala! Semoga kalian selalu dalam keadaan sehat.

Ini adalah Nawala IAES dari Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. Hari ini kami ingin berbagi mengenai upaya masyarakat dalam mengurangi dampak akibat pandemi COVID-19 dengan menggunakan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Baca artikel berikut oleh Walecha dan Jain (dalam bahasa inggris).

In this time of a global urgency where people are losing lives each day in a large number, people are trying to develop ways/technology to solve the challenges of COVID-19. Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) tools have been employed previously as well to the times of pandemic where they have proven their worth by providing reliable results in varied fields this is why ML tools are being used extensively to fight this pandemic as well. This review describes the applications of ML in the post and pre COVID-19 conditions for contact tracing, vaccine development, prediction and diagnosis, risk management, and outbreak predictions to help the healthcare system to work efficiently. This review discusses the ongoing research on the pandemic virus where various ML models have been employed to a certain data set to produce outputs that can be used for risk or outbreak prediction of virus in the population, vaccine development, and contact tracing. Thus, the significance and the contribution of ML against COVID-19 are self-explanatory but what should not be compromised is the quality and accuracy based on which solutions/methods/policies adopted or produced from this analysis which will be implied in the real world to real people.

Prediction analysis on the pre and post COVID outbreak assessment using machine learning and deep learning — Ishaan Walecha, Divya Jain

Seperti yang kita lihat dalam tiga tahun ini, pendidikan terganggu akibat pandemi. Akibatnya, sekolah dan guru dituntut untuk lebih inovatif dan segera memberikan solusi untuk mempertahankan proses belajar mengajar. Bagaimana sekolah beradaptasi untuk melayani proses belajar mengajar tanpa bertemu langsung dengan siswanya?

The Muhammadiyah organization has inclusive schools that need to adapt during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This study aimed to analyze the adaptation strategies carried out by two Muhammadiyah inclusion schools in Surabaya, Indonesia, Sekolah Peduli Anak Hebat (SPAH) and the Sekolah Kreatif Surabaya. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach with a phenomenology method to see the particular context of the two inclusion schools’ learning situations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data were collected using interviews and observations. Two coordinators for students with disabilities and five teachers were interviewed about policies and learning processes during the pandemic. The observation was done during the learning process. The secondary data was also collected by searching in their social media and e-learning platforms. The data analysis showed that the adaptation strategies were to coordinate and regularly collaborate between parent-teachers-students, build community cooperation, and make flexible and accessible learning policies. It proved that the two Muhammadiyah inclusion schools in Surabaya had adapted to online learning during the pandemic COVID-19. However, the two schools still need to improve quality, especially in creating an accessible asynchronous learning platform for students with disabilities.

Learning adaptation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Muhammadiyah inclusion schools — Sri Lestari, Waode Hamsia, Radius Setiyawan

Pandemi juga mempercepat kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi memberikan solusi alternatif untuk mempermudah proses belajar mengajar di masa pandemi. Arani mengembangkan perangkat lunak media penulisan bahasa Inggris, perangkat lunak ini memfasilitasi pendidik untuk menyediakan dan mengembangkan materi pembelajaran yang tepat dan efektif bagi siswanya.

This research has thrown up many questions in need of further investigation. There was expressive quantitative-qualitative research, which a common investigation form was used in. The dialogue item was also applied to discover if the contributors asserted the media-based attitude supplements their learning of academic English writing classes or not. Data recounted academic” insights toward using Skype as a sustaining implement for lessons releasing based on chosen variables: their occupation, year of education, and knowledge with Skype discovered that there were no important statistical differences in the use of Skype units because of medical academics’ major knowledge. There are statistically important differences in using Skype units. The findings also, disclosed that there are statistically significant differences in using Skype units due to the practice with Skype variable, in favors of academics with no Skype use practice. Skype instrument as an instructive media is a positive medium to be employed to supply academic medical writing data and assist education. Academics who do not have enough time to contribute in classes believe comfortable using the Skype-based attitude in scientific writing. They who took part in the course claimed that their approval of this media is due to learning academic innovative medical writing.

Academic insight on application and challenges of software to develop educational medical english writing — Jafar Asgari Arani

Meski belum sempurna dan banyak dikeluhkan, pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi ini telah diterima secara luas sebagai solusi pembatasan di masa pandemi. Yang paling dikeluhkan dari pembelajaran online atau e-learning adalah pembelajaran ini seringkali memberikan motivasi belajar yang negatif kepada siswa. Tidak setuju dengan pendapat tersebut, Lao dkk. memberikan bukti bagaimana e-learning dapat memotivasi siswa untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar mereka.

Researchers focus on the efforts of teachers to improve learning outcomes. Researchers examined the use of e-learning in motivating student achievement on learning outcomes. The influence of student activity on learning outcomes. Student achievement motivation on learning outcomes. The reason for the low quality of student learning makes the author interested in studying this problem. This paper contributes to using e-learning methods, student activeness, and student achievement motivation and can improve learning outcomes. Researchers find a digital-based learning process, the use of e-learning teaching methods in students’ achievement motivation towards learning outcomes. The authors see student learning outcomes after using e-learning. Respondents of the study were 35 students who took Christian religious education subjects. The results of the study revealed that independent use of the material received very high scores. Student activeness is carried out correctly and effectively, the highest perceived to be at a mean value of 4.35. Students who take advantage of e-learning have high learning outcomes. The use of e-learning methods, student activeness, and student achievement motivation is implemented correctly and effectively. It was believed to be able to improve the learning outcomes of Christian Religious Education.

The use of e-learning in motivating students to excel towards learning outcomes
Hendrik A.E. Lao, Ezra Tari, Ishak Nahas, Hengki Wijaya, I Putu Ayub Darmawan

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